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时间:2014-08-02 20:22:32
来自鞍山一中以及其他初高中学员汇集爱英语,充分利用这次难得的机会了解美国文化,探讨出国深造机会以及就业前景。 研讨会中不乏刚刚录取北京大学,清华大学等国内顶尖学府以及即将踏上留美路程的学员们,他们踊跃用英语提问积极参加讨论过程。 会中Dr.Sun也给大家讲解了很多关于美国研究生学习以及博士研究过程中需要注意的事项。
Here at iEnglish, we strive to provide students with quality education as well as information and resources that will benefit them in their pursuit of knowledge, we sincerely hope that more students will have to chance to join us on similar workshops and seminars that are designed to offer advice and guidance on learning and career-building. Please feel free to contact us and inquire about upcoming events!
Background information on Dr.Sun:
来自鞍山一中以及其他初高中学员汇集爱英语,充分利用这次难得的机会了解美国文化,探讨出国深造机会以及就业前景。 研讨会中不乏刚刚录取北京大学,清华大学等国内顶尖学府以及即将踏上留美路程的学员们,他们踊跃用英语提问积极参加讨论过程。 会中Dr.Sun也给大家讲解了很多关于美国研究生学习以及博士研究过程中需要注意的事项。
Here at iEnglish, we strive to provide students with quality education as well as information and resources that will benefit them in their pursuit of knowledge, we sincerely hope that more students will have to chance to join us on similar workshops and seminars that are designed to offer advice and guidance on learning and career-building. Please feel free to contact us and inquire about upcoming events!
Background information on Dr.Sun:
鞍山市铁东区胜利南路21号 万科写字楼7层
电话:0412-5555237 0412-7122288