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10天全外教系统强化班 - 课程安排
作者:admin 时间:2013-08-02 22:45:13 点击:

  • * 性价比最高的课程
  • * 高薪聘请获得TESOL高级证书(即对外英语教育资格认证)并在欧洲各国常年从事英语培训及教师培训工作的外教来鞍客串教学
  • * 纠正同学发音,提升表达自信,摆脱国内英语教学“哑巴英语”的桎梏
  • * 名额有限,机会难得,火热报名中。
欢迎致电【0412-7122288  0412-5555237】咨询

The ten-day intensive course focuses on improving students' abilities to speak and write in English. By having to use only the English language as a tool, the students learn to process information directly from English and reply in English. During the course many different topics are covered, most of which are related to previous- and possibly future- IELTS topics. One of the main goals of this course is for the participants to understand how to react to different scenarios and learn new ways of responding to every task.
Lesson plan:
Lesson 1: “Making time for science”
Lesson 2: “Adolescents in Britain’.
Lesson 3 : “Robots at work"  
Lesson 4 : “London to Brighton bike ride”
Lesson 5: “A spark, a flint...”
Lesson 6: “Zoo conservation programmes”
Lesson 7: Writing for examinations
Lesson 8: “Accommodation and modern society’s values”
Lesson 9: “Expand your knowledge of natural history”

Lesson 10. Revision

鞍山市铁东区胜利南路21号 万科写字楼7层


电话:0412-5555237    0412-7122288

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